In any society there is a common understanding of what is just.
That definition may not always be written down in law. But it is understood to
be the way it is. That common understanding of delivering justice, the way
things have been accepted to be is what I am calling The Normal. The normal is different for different societies.
What is acceptable in one society is not acceptable in another. The same
society also evolves (or devolves?) and then establishes a new normal.
What is written down in law may have been debated and discussed
and with application of mind and what is called jurisprudence may have been
incorporated in the law. But the society will change. Depending on how
well the law is honoured or how well it is implemented the law will have an
effect on the society or it will loose its effect on the society and become
irrelevant. But the society will always have a normal, it will establish a
new normal. This is what is explained in the scriptures when the scripture define the Yugs, Sat-Yug, Treta Yug, Dwapar-Yug, and the Kal-Yug. Every
Yug had its own normal. What is acceptable in one Yug was not acceptable in a
previous Yug. The Sat-Yug was supposed to be an ideal, something that is always
aspired but can never be achieved again, every subsequent Yug is a result of devolution
of values.
In modern society, law is supposed to have evolved and got better
with time. The murderous society of a war torn African country with people
living in an environment of ethnic strife, or the country of Afghanistan, has
a different normal from the normal of a peaceful society. To an outsider
it does not have a rule of law. But is always has a normal of how to get
justice in the day to day life of the people. Because justice is separate from
law. Law is supposed to deliver justice but law is not justice. Law comes
from outside from deliberation, from application of mind, from conventions,
from an understanding of justice which people writing the law
have. Justice comes from within. Each one of us is born with inherent
sense of what is just and a sense of victim hood comes from being denied that
justice. Individual seeks justice despite what is the rule of law.
Even a child has a sense of just and unjust what changes is his
acceptance of just and unjust and that acceptance comes from the understanding
of the normal. The child as he grows comes to know the normal. What is the
normal is taught to the child. The society teaches it. Many a times the child
sees a contradiction between what is being taught and what he sees really
exists as the normal. The child also has his sense of justice within. That
inherent sense evolves as the child grows.That leads to conflict and confusion.
The child chooses his convictions as the child discovers the world. To progress
like a river the child chooses his contours. But the child always has to work
within the normal. Child grows into a man with a full understanding of what is the
normal in the society he is part of.
The written law is separate, its effect on society is varied, the
normal is the reality, justice is separate. When man faces injustice then man
will seek justice within the normal. If the normal follows the written law the
man will follow the written law if normal is different from written law man
will still follow the normal. Justice is sought within the normal. It is a
separate matter that justice may not be achieved by someone because seeking justice within the normal is beyond his means and so the
person lives with injustice. But if justice has to be sought in that society
then it has to be sought within the normal else there will be no justice
received because the laws if they exist may be separate from the normal. So in Afghanistan if
normal is to use gun violence and justice has to be sought then gun violence
has to be used there is no rule of another law.
Question arises what is the normal in our country? What is the
effect of written law on the country's normal? If the normal is to pay bribes
as a matter of convention to get things done then the normal will have to be
followed. Justice here involves exploitation as bribes. This is the normal and
this normal will be followed. It is not deniable that the limit of justice
served is defined by the limit of the justice that exists in the normal. A
person's possession is stolen the normal is to pay some bribe to get the
possession back then justice here within the normal is the stolen possession minus the bribe.
That justice may not be perfect but that is the justice as best it can be. Let
me remind again normal is separate from law.
Is the normal just is a question for individual, because let me
repeat justice is separate from the normal which is separate from the law. How
can normal change? Society can evolve or society can devolve. Devolving is easy, if simply let be it will weather and devolve. When power accumulates within
sections and individuals the society devolves because the justice is denied to
the weak and a new normal is formed. Or when unjust convention replaces law and
widespread agencies implementing law fail then societies devolve and form
a new normal. How do societies evolve? When laws are written and improved and
the improved laws are delivered and implemented then the normal evolves. The
normal also changes when there is disruption. The disruption by definition is abrupt, evolution by definition is gradual. The disruption can be peaceful or the
disruption can be violent. But when to change the normal evolution is not working may be disruption is
What is our current normal in India ? How just is it? Justice will
be sought by an individual, because sense of justice is inherent to an
individual. Justice will be sought, either within the normal or if normal is
still unjust then the normal will be disrupted. In order to achieve a better
normal the process of evolution should deliver. That process is the
legislature. The effectiveness of the implementation by the law enforcement (police
and judiciary) is how best the normal emulates the written law. Improvement in
enforcement evolves the new normal, corrosion in enforcement devolves the normal. Openness in a society raises red flags
when the normal is devolving. Openness in society shows the gap that exists
between the normal and the written laws.
If the usual process of evolution fails then disruption of the normal
has to be achieved through a different path. Peaceful we hope in the Indian context because,
justice comes from within, and every person seeks justice.
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